The best platform to find clients on autopilot
Identify which companies are hiring contractors and freelancers, automatically reach out with personalised templates and build relationships for the long run

What Loopcv offers.
With loopcv you never miss new opportunities. Select the type of companies you would like to target, stand out with unique email templates and start making money today.
Create multiple job searches
Create a new automated job search
With Loopcv you can create one or more job searches (loops) that work in the background sending emails to companies looking for your skills every day. You specify your desired keywords and you use our email templates (or create a new one) in order to send messages to companies!
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Find all your matches and applications in a single dashboard
For every job search (Loop) you can see all the jobs matched, email templates sent, see more details and go in the job board where we collected the job from
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Track your progress for each job
Find when you applied automatically for each job, track if the company opened your email, rate your matching to improve your job search and identify all the important details in a single dashboard
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Track your stats
Track all the important metrics and improve your job search
Loopcv uses machine learning to identify all the issues of your CV and recommends the changes that you should do to find more jobs and optimize your job application process
Start todayKeep your job search organized
Organize your job search with the kanban board
With the Loopcv Kanban board you can organize your job search and structurally search for jobs. In this way, every morning you wake up and have a clear view of your job search progress and the companies that are in the different stages. You can also add new jobs from any website or platform out there so that you have one source of truth instead of multiple google sheets and excel files
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